Name of the Gewog: Tsaenkhar

1. Brief Background of the Gewog:

Tsaenkhar Gewog is located in the southern part of the Lhuentse Dzongkhag, which is bordered by Mongar Dzongkhag in the south, Jarey Gewog in the west and Shelrimuhoong Gewog of Mongar in the east.

Gewog Office is located at Phawan which is about one and half hour drive from the Dzongkhag Headquarters towards south. The Gewog is the entry point to great Lhuentse. Gewog has a total area of approximately 129 square kilometer with sparsely distributed population in the five Chiwogs of Artobadeb-Guendrang, Autsho-Charbi, Gonyid-Wambur, Dekaling-Tshochen and Domkhar-Umling. By size, it is one of the biggest Gewog in the Dzongkhag housing 601 resident households with total resident population of 2583.

2. The detailed information about the Gewog:

Indicators Statistics Remarks
Gewog Name Tsaenkhar  
Total Area (sq.kms) 129  
Total Number of Chiwog 5  
Total Number of Village 57  
Number of Households 497(Census)/601(Resident)  
Number of Gungtongs 38  
Community Centers 1  
Mobile Network Connectivity 100% Partially covered in some parts
Electricity connectivity 100%  
RNR Extension Centers 1  
Farmer’s Cooperatives Groups NA 6 farmer groups
RNR Extension Centers 1 No livestock Extension 
Farmer’s Cooperatives Groups NA  
Number of Community Forest 5 Chalibadeb, Sisingyelsa, Tongphugang, Yangla & Tshenkhar
Number of Private Forest    
Number of staff 15 (Office bearers)  
Total Forest Coverage (%) 85.90%  
Trade & Industry
Restaurant cum Bar (Fooding/Lodging) 1  
Manufacturing 3 Concrete Brisk manufacturing unit
Micro/general/retailer 46  
Wholesaler 2  
Meat Shop 1  
Number of Central Schools 1 Autsho CS
Number of Middle Secondary Schools NA  
Number of Higher Secondary  Schools NA  
Number of Primary Schools 3  
Number of ECR NA  
Number of NFE Centers 2  
Total Number of Schools 4 Tshochen PS, Wambur PS & Domkhar PS.
Roads Network
GC Roads (KMS)  0.15m  
Farm Roads (KMS) 157.1  
Religion & Culture
Number of Lhakhangs 24  
Number of Neys/Tsachus Ney-2 (Drakmar & Phuningla) Menchu-1
Health Facility
Number of Hospital (s) 1 (Autsho Hospital)  
Number of Primary Health Center
2 (Patpachhu & Tshochen PHC)
Number of ORCs 6  
Number of Health officials 27  
Regional office
Number of Regional Office 2 DoST and BDBL 


3. Local Government Officials:

Sl. No. Designation Name Contact No.
1 Gup Tashi Penjor 17607101
2 Mangmi Choning Norbu 17407650
3 Tshogpa (Artobadeb-Guendrang Chiwog) Khandu Dorji 17388505
4 Tshogpa (Autsho-Charbi Chiwog) Thinley Penjor 17708622
5 Tshogpa (Dekaling-Tshochen Chiwog) Tshewang Choden 17707930
6 Tshogpa (Domkhar-Umling Chiwog) Sangay Chophel 17947043
7 Tshogpa (Gonyid-Wambur Chiwog) Tashi Chezom 17362971


4. Population details:

Name of Chiwog No. of Households Population of Chiwog No. of Gungtong (Empty Households)
Male Female
Artobadeb-Guendrang 26(Census)/18(Resident) 33(Resident) 38(Resident)  
Autsho-Charbi 121(Census)/252(Resident) 686(Resident) 681(Resident)  
Dekaling-Tshochen 151(Census)/147(Resident) 245(Resident) 255(Resident)  
Domkhar-Umling 107(Census)/90(Resident) 156(Resident) 161(Resident)  
Gonyid-Wambur 92(Census)/94(Resident) 183(Resident) 145(Resident)  
Total 497(Census)/601(Resident) 1303 1280 38
Total Population 2583  


5. Local Festivals & Tshechus:

Tshechus & Local Festivals Location Lunar Calendar date of Tshechu/Festival Remarks
Tsaenkhar Drakmar Drupchen Namdroling Goenzin Dratshang 16th to 17th day of 12th month of Bhutanese calendar.  
 Kharam All five chiwogs 27th and 29th day of 8th month of Bhutanese calendar every year. 




6. Civil Servant:

Sl. No Name Designation Contact No.
1 Tashi Tshering Gewog Adm. Officer 17755591
2 Langa Tshering Land Record Assistant  17789187
3 Kinley Wangdi Agriculture Extension Supervisor 17957518
4 Kelzang Lhamo Community Center Operator 17746927
5 Sangay Chophel Principal (Autsho CS) 17130509
6 Kencho Tshering Offtg. Principal (Tshochen PS) 17633944
7 Karma Thinley Principal (Wambur PS) 77417332
8 Dorji Zangmo Offtg. Principal (Domkhar PS) 17647311
9 Dr. Jamuna Gajmer Doctor (Autsho PS) 77745938
10 Kencho Wangdi HA (Patpachhu PHC) 17546707
11 Chhimi Lhamo HA (Tshochen PHC) 77655809