It is located in Kurtoed Gewog and it takes six hours uphill walk from Kuenzangling Lhakhang. Rinchen Bumpa (Vase of the jewels) is a prominent domestic tourist destination in Bhutan. The sacred site manuscript mentioned that it was prophesied by Ratna Lingpa and later blessed by Longchenpa. It is a place where the beings with karmic connection had attained accomplishment, a place where every being pay homage and makes offerings, and where sinful cleanse their defilement.  

Among many sacred relics and spots, the most fascinating object is a large rock slab on which visitors can eyewitness holy letters, as the first sun rays fall on it. It remains for an hour and it fades away gradually. Many people hold the night there to witness the sacred holy letters and the beautiful mountains surrounding the places. The surrounding mountains are bending towards Rinchen Bumpa showing respect to it. Other significant places related to Guru, Khandro Yeshey Tshogyal, and Khandro Tashi Kedron can be seen.

Kunezangling Lhakhang is located on the base of Rinchen Bumpa, which is blessed by Kuenkhan Longchen Rabjam. The main sacred objects include a statue of Buddha, Guru Rinpoche, and God of Wealth (Zambala). Inside the temple, one can see the footprint of Kuenkhan Longchen Rabjam on the rock inside his small meditational hermitage.