Coinciding with an Auspicious Day, new Dzongdag of Lhuentse joins the office today after His Majesty The King granted dhar to appoint new Dzongdag of Lhuentse on 8th February 2023.
The office joining and handing-taking ceremony was took place in Dzongdag office after conducting grand Zhukdrel Phuensum Tshokpa program.
Following by this Tashi Khadhar was offered to new Dasho Dzongdag by Ven. Lam Neten of Dratsang, Dzongdags (Trashigang & Mongar), Representatives from RBP, Drangpon, Regional heads, Sector heads, School Teachers, Tshongpas and staffs of Lhuentse Dzongkhag administration.
Before the appointment of new Lhuentse Dzongdag, Dasho Jigme Choden served as Chief Integrity Officer of the Asset Declaration Management Division of the Anti-Corruption Commission of Bhutan.