Name of the Gewog: Maenbi

1. Brief Background of the Gewog:

Maenbi Gewog is about 25 kilometers from the Dzongkhag headquarters. It comprises of five Chiwogs: Tagmachu-Gorgan Chiwog, Phagidung-Dromashong Chiwog, Kamdhar-Murmur Chiwog, Nyebi-Zhungkhar Chiwog, and Meanjabi Chiwog witho total population of 4052. Agriculture is a significant source of livelihood in our community, serving as the foundation of its economy and playing an important role in sustaining livelihoods, ensuring food security, and contributing to general development. Furthermore, Meanbi Gewog is regarded as a tourist attraction hub due to the Takila Statue and several religious sites like as Rawabi Goenpa, Zarthang, Karney Goenpa, and Kesibi Lhakhang, each with its own distinct historical story and Chhams (mask dance). 

2. The detailed information about the Gewog:

Indicators Statistics Remarks
Gewog Name Meanbi Gewog Administration  
Total Area (sq.kms) 88.89      
Total Number of Chiwog 5  
Total Number of Village 68  
Number of Households 481   
Number of Gungtongs 69  
Community Centers 1  
Mobile Network Connectivity 100%  
Electricity connectivity  100%   
RNR Extension Centers 1  
Farmer’s Cooperatives Groups 4 vegetable groups  
RNR Extension Centers 1  
Farmer’s Cooperatives Groups 1 Dairy Group  
Number of Community Forest 6  
Number of Private Forest 0  
Number of staff 3  
Total Forest Coverage (%) 80.34  
Trade & Industry
Restaurant cum Bar (Fooding/Lodging) 2  
Micro/general/retailer 13  
Wholesaler 1  
Meat Shop 0  
Number of Central Schools 1 Tangmachu Central School
Number of Middle Secondary Schools Nil  
Number of Higher Secondary  Schools 1 Tangmachu HSS
Number of Primary Schools 0  
Number of ECR 0  
Number of ECCD Center 1  
Number of NFE Centers 2 centres (Dromazhong and Takila  
Total Number of Schools 1  
Roads Network
GC Roads (KMS) 10.5- Feeder road (blacktopped)  
Farm Roads (KMS) 75.3  
Religion & Culture
Number of Lhakhangs 18  
Number of Neys/Tsachus 3 Neys and 3 tsachus/Menchu  
Health Facility
Number of Hospital (s) 0  
Number of Primary Health Center 2 Dangling PHC & Tagmochu PHC
Number of ORCs 4  2 ORCs under each PHC
Number of Health officials 5 2 HAs in Dangling PHC, 2 HAs and 1 sMenpa in Tagmochu PHC
Regional office
Number of Regional Office 0  


3. Local Government Officials:

Sl. No. Designation Name Contact No.
1 Gup Ngawang Dhendup 17691910
2 Mangmi Kelzang Jamtsho 17629681
3 Tshogpa (Kamdhar) Phurpa Dorji 17546757
4 Tshogpa (Manjabi) Deki Yangzom 17657540
5 Tshogpa (Zhungkhar) Tashi Wangmo 17945417
6 Tshogpa (Phagidung) Tshering Yangchen 17940228
7 Tshogpa (Tagmachu) Karmala 17820132


4. Population details:

Name of Chiwog No. of Households Population of Chiwog No. of Gungtong (Empty Households)
Male Female
Zhungkhar 159 655 667 32
Kamdhar 81 410 416 3
Tagmachu 73 278 309 2
Meanjabi 73 318 304 11
Dromashong 95 356 339 21
Total 481 2017 2035 69
Total Population 4052  


5. Local Festivals & Tshechus:

Tshechus & Local Festivals Location Lunar Calendar date of Tshechu/Festival Remarks
Takila Lha festival Takila 14th and 15th Day of 7th month of bhutanese calender  
Kesibi Lha Zhungkhar 18th Day of 7th month of bhutanese calender  
Preuchoe Tagmachu, Maenjabee And Zhungkhar 10th day of 4th month and 10th day of 3rd month of bhutanese calender  
Baebazur Lha Kamdhar 13th day of 7th month of bhutanese calender  
Rawabe Tsechu Manjabi, Rawabi 7th – 10th day of 3rd month of bhutanese calender  
Rawabi Tsepamey  Manjabi Rawabi 10th day- 10th  month of bhutanese calender  


6.                  Civil Servant(Head/Incharge of the agencies):

Sl. No Name Designation Contact No.
1 Sangay Dorji Gewog Adm. Officer 77825289
2 Sherub Dorji TCS Principal 16446100/17679884
3 Yoedsel Choden In-charge, Dangling PHC 17131792/17443051
4 Dago Om In-Charge 17458060/
(Tangmachu PHC) 16446105
5 Tenzin Pelmo Livestock Production Supervisor 17564974
6 Sonam Norbu Agri 17596118
7 Sangay Wangchuk BPC incharge 17546711
8 Tashi Zangpo Forestry 17560240