Name of the School/Institute : Tshochen Primary School
Year of Establishment : 21st April, 1997
Total Land area : 7.469 acres
Classes/ Courses Offered : PP-VI
Total Students : 99
- Male : 35
- Female : 64
Total Teachers : 6
- Male : 5
- Female :1
Support Staff : 3
- Male : 3
- Female: 0
Infrastructure and Facilities (please mention the existing infrastructure and facilities institute provides)
1995 - Main academic building and one unit teacher quarter constructed (Public labour contributions)
- -An additional academic building and two unit teacher quarter were constructed.(Public labour contributions)
- -Multipurpose hall was constructed, which has been converted into classrooms due to shortage of classrooms.(Public labour contributions)
- -Additional classrooms of 3 units were constructed by Public.
- -Two additional unit of teacher’s quarter was constructed by the community
- -WFP feeding program launched in the school with BP-5 Compact biscuits as mid-day snacks for the students.
- - 2 block (7 units each) aqua-privy toilet for students was constructed.
- - Principal quarter and additional three unit classroom were constructed by the community.
- - WFP feeding program up-graded to provision of lunch and breakfast
2015- 2 unit staff toilet constructed.
Brief Background on the Institute:
(Establishment of the school, Reasons for its establishment and location, infrastructure & facility development, course introduction etc may be mentioned in chronologicalorder to illustrate the key development areas)
Tshochen Primary School is located in the core of Tshenkhar village at an altitude of 2310 meters above the sea level. It overlooks Domkhar village and other village such and Bangtsho and Gortshom can be viewed well from the school. It was started on 21st April 1997 by Mr. Nima Lama, the first head teacher of the school with 39 students enrolled in class PP. It caters education to the children of main Tshenkhar village which consist of more than 150 households. The school is connected by 20 kms farm road from Autsho since 2009.
The school has assumed its name Tshochen which means the largest community. In Lhuentse Dzongkhag, Tshenkhar geog is one of the biggest geog and Tshenkhar village consist of the largest community in its gewog. Another story states that ‘Tshochen’ means the large lake. There existed a large lake near by the present location of the school. It dried and moved away to other place. There is a trace of marshy area in that place today.
In 1995, the community of Tshenkhar village proposed for a community school to be established in their village to Lhuentse Dzongdag, Dasho Sherab Gyeltshen during his visit to this village on his way back to Lhuentse from pilgrimage to Phunying la. He accepted the proposal and the community stated the construction immediately. In 1997, the initial constructions were complete. In the same year Mr. Nima Lama joined and started the school as the first head teacher. As years progressed by a lot of changes were seen for the school. At present, the school has four academic building which consists of 14 rooms and 4 blocks of staff quarters with six units. The aqua-privy toilet for students was constructed through Gewog developmental activities in 2005. Prior to the establishment of the school, most of the children in Tshenkhar village did not have access to education and thus they were not educated because they could not send their children to school (Wambur CPS), which is about a day walk from their village. Now, many parents are able to send their children to school. The school has played a vital role to influence the people on improving their health and hygiene of their village. Today most parents in the village express their views on the importance of the education for their children.
The school also caters adult and early education through NFE and ECCD programs. Presently we have 2 NFE centers (Phawantoe with 10 learners, and Tshnagphu with 10 Learners). We also have an ECCD centre with in the school.
Statistics of Students 2017:
Teaching Staff Details:
Profile of the Head/Principal & Deputy/Vice Principal of the Institute/School
Name : Tshiltrim Designation: Principal II Grade: VI Home Address: Chungkha, Bongo, Chukha E-mail: Telephone: 17131041/ 17979793
Educational Background: (please begin with your present qualification)
Professional Experience: (please begin with your present post and assignment)