Name of the Gewog: Jaray

1. Brief Background of the Gewog:

Jarey Gewog, situated in Lhuentse Dzongkhag, is one of the smallest gewogs in the district with 218 households and 2,260 residents. It lies west of Tsenkhar Gewog and south of Metsho Gewog within Lhuentse Dzongkhag. Gewog stretches over 137.61sqkm with an altitude ranging from 1500 to 2400m above sea level. The predominant land use comprises 1,036.8 acres of dry land, primarily cultivating maize and other cereals, with an additional 60.56 acres used for paddy farming in wetlands. The gewog's settlement is scattered and isolated, situated on south-facing slopes and ridges. It consists of five chiwogs, all accessible by a network of approximately 60.44 kilometers of farm roads.

2. The detailed information about the Gewog:

Indicators Statistics Remarks
Gewog Name Jaray Gewog   
Total Area (sq.kms)  
Altitude (masl) 1500-2400m   
Total Number of Chiwog 5  
Total Number of Village 8  
Number of Households 218  
Number of Gungtongs 55  
Community Centers 1  
Mobile Network Connectivity 100%  
Electricity connectivity 100%  
RNR Extension Centers 1  
Farmer’s Cooperatives Groups 1  
RNR Extension Centers 1  
Farmer’s Cooperatives Groups 0  
Number of Community Forest 5  
Number of Private Forest 0  
Number of staff 2  
Total Forest Coverage (%) 80%  
Trade & Industry
Restaurant cum Bar (Fooding/Lodging) 0  
Manufacturing 0  
Micro/general/retailer 2  
Wholesaler 0  
Meat Shop 0  
Number of Central Schools 0  
Number of Middle Secondary Schools 0  
Number of Higher Secondary  Schools 0  
Number of Primary Schools 2  
Number of ECR 0  
Number of ECCD Center 3  
Number of NFE Centers 0  
Total Number of Schools 2  
Roads Network
GC Roads (KMS) 16km  
Farm Roads (KMS) 60 km  
Religion & Culture
Number of Lhakhangs 6  
Number of Neys/Tsachus 2  
Health Facility
Number of Hospital (s) 0  
Number of Primary Health Center 2  
Number of ORCs 1  
Number of Health officials 3  
Regional office
Number of Regional Office 0  


3. Local Government Officials:

Sl. No. Designation Name Contact No.
1 Gup Kinzang Minjur  17681420
2 Mangmi Tenzin Jamtsho 77600238
3 Tshogpa (Yabi-Zangkhar) Tashi Yangzom 17930203
4 Tshogpa (Kharchung) Tshering Chezom 17516923
5 Tshogpa (Ladrong) Kinzangla 17730830
6 Tshogpa (Artobi-Nganey) Tshering Wangda 17684814
7 Tshogpa (Yumchey) Sangay Chophel  17737104


4. Population details:

Name of Chiwog No. of Households Population of Chiwog No. of Gungtong (Empty Households)
Male Female
Artobi-Nganey 65 326 304 23
 Ladrong 46 224 257 15
 Kharchung-Pam 23 140 136 7
 Yumchey 32 139 125 2
 Yabi- Zangkhar 52 302 307 8
Total 218 1131 1129 55
Total Population 2260  


5. Local Festivals & Tshechus:

Tshechus & Local Festivals Location Lunar Calendar date of Tshechu/Festival Remarks
Rabney Ladrong 14th-18th Day of the 10th month of the Bhutanese Calendar  
Lha All Chiwogs  10th-15th Day of the Bhutanese Calendar   


6. Civil Servant:

Sl. No Name Designation Contact No.
1 Pema Choki Gewog Adm. Officer 77404470
2 Drupchu Wangdi Principal Ladrong (Primary School) 17325150
3 Lungten  Principal (Zangkhar Primary School) 17800160
4 Sangay Dorji Livestock Extension Officer  17813248
5 Phuntsho Namgay Forestry Extension Officer  17741925
6 Mindu Tshering  HA (Ladrong) 17944783
7 Pema Choki  HA (Zangkhar) 17130189
8 Kezang Dema Sister (Zangkhar) 17359775
9 Tshering Dema  Community Service Executive  17432447
10 Tashi Pelden Caretaker  17703804