Name of the Gewog: Khoma


1. Brief Background of the Gewog

Khoma is located about 11.5km away to the East from Dzongkhag which is bordered by Gangzur and Kurtoe Gewog in the West, Minjey in the South, and Trashi Yangtse in the East. Khoma Gewog is a vibrant community located in the northeastern region of Bhutan, known for its cultural richness and natural beauty. The gewog is part of Lhuentse District, which is renowned for its traditional weaving, particularly the intricate and colorful Kishuthara textile. This weaving tradition is a significant part of the local economy and cultural heritage, often passed down through generations.


2. The detailed information about the Gewog:


Indicators Statistics Remarks
Gewog Name Khoma   
Total Area (sq.kms) 653.7  
Altitude (masl) 1200  
Total Number of Chiwog 5  
Total Number of Village 16  
Number of Households 353  
Number of Gungtongs 22  
Community Centers 1  
Mobile Network Connectivity 98%  
Electricity connectivity 95%  
RNR Extension Centers 1  
Farmer’s Cooperatives Groups           Nil  
RNR Extension Centers 1  
Farmer’s Cooperatives Groups Nil  
Number of Community Forest 4  
Number of Private Forest NA  
Number of staff     
Total Forest Coverage (%)    
Trade & Industry
Restaurant cum Bar (Fooding/Lodging) 1  
Manufacturing Nil  
Micro/general/retailer 5  
Wholesaler Nil  
Meat Shop Nil  
Number of Central Schools Nil  
Number of Middle Secondary Schools Nil  
Number of Primary Schools 2  
Number of Higher Secondary  Schools    
Number of NFE Centers Nil  
Total Number of Schools 2  
Roads Network
GC Roads (KMS) 5.6  
Farm Roads (KMS) 117  
Religion & Culture
Number of Lhakhangs 26  
Number of Neys/Tsachus 4  
Health Facility
Number of Hospital (s) Nil  
Number of Primary Health Center 2  
Number of ORCs 5  
Number of Health officials 4  
Regional office
Number of Regional Office Nil  


3. Local Government Officials:

Sl. No. Designation Name Contact No.
1 Gup Tshering Wangdi 17564523
2 Mangmi Pema Tshering 17303515
3 Tshogpa  Sonam Darjay 17932885
4 Tshogpa  Phuntsho Wangdi 17303504
5 Tshogpa  Shacha Wangchuk 17283942
6 Tshogpa  Sonam Tobgay 17244427
7 Tshogpa  Kezang norbu 17244396


4. Population details:

Name of Chiwog No. of Households Population of Chiwog No. of Gungtong (Empty Households)
Male Female
Roelmataeng Tsango 12 71 81 1
Baptong Drakteng 70 231 262 6
Berpa Khoma 70 272 287 5
Gangka Khema 80 280 294 6
Pangkhar 40 148 192 4
Total 272 1002 1116 22
Total Population 2118  


5. Local Festivals & Tshechus:

Tshechus & Local Festivals Location Lunar Calendar date of Tshechu/Festival Remarks
 Rebla Pangkhar 15th day of 8th month Bhutanese calender  
Wangla Kora Gangla 15th day of 8th month Bhutanese calender  
Ngangri Kora Lukchu 14th day of 8th month of Bhutanese calendar  
Jow lama kora Goenkar 8th day of 9th month of Bhutanese calender  
chotpa pangkar 15-17th day of 11th month of Bhutanese calender  
Chotpa khema 14-15th  day of 7th month of Bhutanese calender  
chotpa Gangla 25-26th of 7th months of bhutanese calender  
Chha Lawa 8-13th of 11th of Bhutanese calender  
Chha Tsango 13th-19th of 11th month of Bhutanese caldender  
Khoma Prewchoe Khoma 10th  day of 2nd month of Bhutanese calender   
Khoma Nyepo Khoma  15th -16th day of 6th months of Bhutanese calender  
Karphu wang Karphu 30th day of 9th months of Bhutanese calender  
Goenkar Tsechu Goenpakarp 9-11th day of 9th  monrth of Bhutanese calender  
Nylamdung Tsechu Nylamdung 9-12th day of 2nd months of Bhutanese calendar   


6. Civil Servant: (Head/Incharge of the agencies)

Sl. No Name Designation Contact No.
1 Kelzang Jamtsho Gewog Adm. Officer 17945096
2 Karma Wangdi Principal KPS 17788516
3 Sonam Penjor Officiating principal 17130725
4 Kinzang Thinley Range Officer 17790112
5 Sonam Jamtsho Khoma PHC 17130188
6 Tashi wangdi Agriculture extension 17748055