Sat, 05 June 2021
Mon, 05 July 2021
Phaling Throm, Lhuentse Dzongkhag
His Majesty the King's insight as stated, "Where we live must be clean, safe, organized and beautiful, for national integrity, national pride, and for our bright future. This too is nation building".
And coinciding with the "World Environment Day" Lhuentse Dzongkhag Administration in collaboration with RBP and RSTA Lhuentse conducted a mass cleaning of Phaling Throm today 05.06.2021.

Dzongkhag staffs headed by Dasho Dzongda and Dzongrab and Regional Heads headed by Dasho Drangpon and Dasho OC actively participated in cleaning the whole of Phaling thromde along with desuup volunteers and business community.