Name of School: Tangmachu Central School
- Year of Establishment: 9/4/1994 (Tangmachu MSS) & 1/11/1985 (Tangmachu PS)
- Up-gradations: 1994 – TJHS; 1998 – THS; 2001 – TMSS, 2015 – TCS (Merged TMSS & TPS)
- School Area: 30.744 (TMSS) + 6.924 (TPS) = 37.668 acres (TCS)
- Thram No.:408 (TMSS) & 454 (TPS)
- Boarding/Day school: Boarding with day meal for day scholars
- Internet connectivity: Yes (Lease line)
- No of staff : 69 (1 Principal/ 2 VP/ 35 Teachers/ 2 Counselor/ 15 Adm. Staff/ 13 ESP GSP/ ECCD Facilitator/ 3 NFE Instructors)
- No. of students: 703 (344 boys and 359 girls)
- No. of Boarders: 503 (240 boys and 263 girls)
- No. of Day scholar:200 (104 boys and 96 girls)
- No. of Gyalpoi Tozay students: 34 (15 boys and 19 girls)
- Other scholarship – (UNICEF-3 Menjong-1)
The School aspires to be a learning centre where unique talents will be nurtured and children can excel themselves in the academic pursuit in order to be ideal and productive citizens of the kingdom.
To establish and institutionalize 'Shared and Democratic system of school Management' in the school to enhance accountability, transparency, responsiveness and efficiency;
To ensure comfortable, safe and secure environment for students and teachers both physically and psycho-socially;
To ensure holistic development of every child's intellectual, physical and other aspects
To promote activity and theory based teaching-learning processes and improve the quality of education at all levels of classes;
To ensure continuous enhancement of the capacity of teachers, student leaders, SMB members and other stakeholders;
The school desire to produce:
- A competent individual to fit in the world of works
- An instilled individual with values of ideal citizen
- A well informed individual about the competitive world
- An academically competent student
- Intellectual calibers to pursue higher studies
The Core Values
We believe in the following four core values which is abbreviated as PLUS +
P – Punctuality (Be on time)
L – Loyalty (Be loyal to Tsa – Wa – Sum)
U – Unity (Believe in team work and team spirit)
S – Sincerity (Perform every duties and responsibilities with sincerity)
+ – Whatever we do in this school, we will put extra effort.
Together we can……………………..
“Tangmachu” as the legend says that the place was frequently visited by tigers/tigresses to drink water from a lake the then Yambrang tsho, which can be seen at present as a marshy place near the school. People often heard tiger roaring from a small pass and based on it, people named the place as “Tak – Kay – La” meaning the tiger roaring pass (Tak means Tiger; Kay means roar; La means Pass). The settlement near Yambrang Tsho, which is below Tak – Kay – La, came to be known as “Tag – Mo – Chhu” meaning tigress’ water (Tagmo means tigress and Chhu means water). Since the school is located nearby Tag – Mo – Chhu, the school also assumed the name “Tag – Mo – Chhu” which gradually became “Tangmachu” due to dilution in its pronunciation.
Tangmachu Central School under Maenbi gewog, Lhuentse Dzongkhag is located at the heart of Maenbi gewog community on the knoll of Takila at an altitude of about 1700 m above sea level. The school was first of its kind in Bhutan built under the Primary Education Project (PEP) funded by the World Bank. The year 1994 brought a big transformation to the place with the coming up of many constructions in the midst of dense chirpine forests. It was on 9th April 1994 that a new school was established and named Tangmachu Junior High School which was actually established as a relocation of Lhuentse Junior High School. Mr. Jigme Thinley was the first Headmaster who was transferred from Lhuentse JHS along with the students of classes VII and VIII. In the first year, the school had 180 students and 11 teachers out of which 7 teachers were expatriates. The school did not have an access to electricity supply until the school was lighted by a 40 KV generator in 1995. The school had a scope for extension since its initial establishment with its spacious school area and its rapid increase in student enrolment. The school was upgraded to a high school in March 1997 and since then; the school has been receiving students from many Dzongkhags as far as Samtse, S/Jongkhar and Trashiyangtse besides Lhuentse Dzongkhag with its first batch of 128 students appeared ICSE examinations in 1999.
The school is now connected to almost all the modern communication facilities, the school today has become conducive for higher pursuit of education with infrastructures and facilities spread over an area of 37.668 acres of land. Today the school is an ideal learning centre surrounded by a beautiful campus with sweet aroma of flowers, lying calm and quite buried under the tall chirpine trees. The school always aspired to become the model school in the Dzongkhag and as a part of School Reform Project in 2014, the school has been chosen as one of the pilot central schools amongst first 24 in the country. With the consolidation of two schools, the then Tangmachu MSS and Tagmochu PS till 2014; the school became Tangmachu Central School with effect from the academic year 2015. The school now has the students ranging from classes PP – X providing boarding facilities and day meal to all the day students. The government also provides a special package of beddings, uniforms, sports wears and stationeries at free of cost besides many other usual free facilities enjoyed by the students of other schools.
The heads of the school who had served this school in chronological order is indicated as under:
Principal Profile
Name : Ugyen
Designation: Principal
Grade: 5 / P 2 A
Home Address: Beling, Langthel, Trongsa
Telephone: 17730512
Educational Background: (please begin with your present qualification)
Professional Experience: (please begin with your present post and assignment)
Vice Principal Profile
Name : Yeshey Lhamo
Designation: Vice principal II
Grade: VI
Home Address: Zimzor, Dungmin, Pemagatshel
Telephone: 17614961
Educational Background: (please begin with your present qualification)
Professional Experience: (please begin with your present post and assignment)
Profile of Vice Principal
Name: Kinley Dorji
Designation: Vice principal II
Grade: VI
Home Address: Bechekha, Toep, Punakha
Telephone: 17702928
Educational Background: (please begin with your present qualification)
Professional Experience: (please begin with your present post and assignment)